Sister Tabor’s Baptism
Growing up in a rural area can have its pluses and minuses. Sandspurs, for example, would not be considered a plus. There are millions, I suppose, that have never seen a sand spur around their house unless you live in sandy areas or maybe around a Florida beach. The actual name of these little devils is Cenchrus longispinus and cenchrus gracillimus for the varieties that grow in the Southeastern US and you have to be really careful pronouncing that first one. Some people have never seen a baptism, either, I suppose.
By whatever name you call them, they will deter you from going barefooted! That is one reason that I never went without shoes at my home as a kid. We had them all over the yard. And, they will attach themselves to your pants and socks without warning and you will distribute them to everyplace you travel. So, I guess, sand spurs would be in the minus column.
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