Aw Shucks

Aw, Shucks

(And other great expressions)

Growing up in the South, I learned a number of Southern Colloquialisms. Aw shucks was just one of them that was used by the folks not prone to real cussing.  I feel sure that if I had lived in Minnesota or New York, I would have possibly heard the same ones or some very similar.  Words, phrases and expressions that were, and are, used to express the point we are trying to make in no uncertain terms but which are never fully explained. The “meaning” of the words has more to do with the manner and tone in which they are expressed and the circumstances under which they are used. Continue reading Aw Shucks

Sister Tabors Baptism

Sister Tabor’s Baptism

A Sandy Point Tale


The Sandy Point Times

 Growing up in a rural area can have its pluses and minuses. Sandspurs, for example, would not be considered a plus. There are millions, I suppose, that have never seen a sand spur around their house unless you live in sandy areas or maybe around a Florida beach. The actual name of these little devils is Cenchrus longispinus and cenchrus gracillimus for the varieties that grow in the Southeastern US and you have to be really careful pronouncing that first one. Then, there was the issue of baptism. Continue reading Sister Tabors Baptism